Wednesday 23 October 2013

Religious camp for children at Vile Parle Shwetambar Murtipujak SanghOrganised by Jagrut in presence of Kirti Darshan Vijayji Maharaj

‘Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life’

Jagrut a social charitable organization under the leadership of Shri Narendra Hirani – President, and with the blessing of Kirti Darshan Vijayji Maharaj organized a religious camp for children (Asta Prakar Puja) at Vileparle Shewtambar Murtipujak Sangh on Saturday, 15th May 2010.


In today’s, globalization the most affected is our Youth. Depression or panic disorder, criminal tendency and suicidal attitude are seen in most of them. Jagrut feels that this is because our children are slowly forgetting their culture & rituals which helps them to maintain peace of mind.


To address this problem Jagrut organized with Kirti Darshan Vijayji Maharaj a camp to guide, bless and teach Human Values to these children.


The President and his team members would like to thank Kirti Darshan Vijayji Maharaj & the trustees of Vileparle Shwetambar Murtipujak Sangh for making this event a grand success.

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