Monday 28 October 2013

Varied Social Causes adopted by Jargut

Senior Citizen’s Card Distribution

Jagrut with the support of Suntar Mahila Vibhag distributed Senior Citizen’s Card, and also updated all Senior Citizens, the importance of having a Senior Citizen’s Card. This is especially important, because in a country like ours, the problem of taking care of senior citizens is hugely ignored.

Free Ambulance Service

We received our first fully equipped ambulance from Mr. Rakesh Kothari (Riddhi Siddhi Bullion Ltd.)

Save Water Campaign

In a city like Mumbai, there is an ongoing struggle to save water. We are spreading more awareness through media about how big this problem really is.

Suntar Trade Show

Jagrut participated in the Suntar Trade Fair 2010, held on 25th September 2010. A lot of people from the Suntar community joined the Jagrut family through this event.

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